Events > Gored to death

Gored to death

Henry Phillips, a drover, was gored to death by a bullock. At the Coroner’s Inquest on 18 May 1871, Isaac Creary told how he and Phillips brought 20 cattle from Parramatta, then turned to fetch a bullock that had broken down:

Glebe Island Abattoirs, 1870s

…they went on foot; deceased had his two dogs with him; they found the bullock about a quarter of a mile from the island; they started him towards the island by throwing stones at him, keeping a good distance off; the bullock travelled about 200 yards towards the island, witness in the meantime told the deceased not to go too near the bullock; although he had one leg broken he could run quick enough; deceased nevertheless went up to him and struck him about the head with a stick; the bullock then ran at him; deceased had a good start; and as he stepped off the road to pick up some rocks he turned around to see (as witness thought) where the bullock was when he caught him with his horns when he swung round, driving the deceased onto his face on the side of the road; the bullock went at deceased again and turned him over with his horns; the dogs then attacked the bullock and caught him by the nose; witness succeeded in getting deceased away; he had to carry him, as he complained of his back and side; with assistance he carried him to the White Bay Hotel, a distance of about three hundred yards …….